Quotes from recent Ofsted Inspections
2018 - 'The childminder is well organised and has a very professional attitude. She is well qualified and actively accesses ongoing training, which helps her to meet the specific needs of children she is caring for. She ensures her assistant is similarly well informed. The childminder assesses children's progress and plans activities based on their next steps in learning. She takes children's interests into account when organising play opportunities. Children benefit from a well-planned indoor environment and ample opportunities to play and learn outdoors, and on trips out into the local community. Parents are delighted with the service the childminder and her assistant provides. They feel well informed and find her very accommodating of their needs. They describe the setting as calm and peaceful. Parents of children who speak English as an additional language say they have seen a huge improvement in their children's abilities. Children have very warm relationships with the childminder and her assistant. Clear routines provide them with good structure to their day. This keeps them well occupied and ensures their needs for rest and refreshment are addressed. They are well behaved and supported to become increasingly independent.'
2015-'This provision is good - Safeguarding children is at the heart of the childminder's practice. The childminder and her assistant have a good knowledge of their responsibilities to ensure children are kept safe and protected from harm. The implementation of robust policies and procedures successfully promotes children's safety and well-being.  The childminder and her assistant have a thorough understanding of how to plan activities, which help children to learn and develop, based on their observed needs. Children are happy, sociable and confident, and thoroughly enjoy their time in a relaxed and stimulating home. They develop good relationships and close emotional attachments with the childminder and her assistant. As a result, they show high levels of self-esteem and security within the provision. Partnerships with parents and other early years providers is good and makes an effective contribution to meeting all children's individual needs. Self-evaluation is used well to continuously raise standards and drive improvement forward, for the benefit of children.'

Fun, Loving Family Environment


Hi, my name is Clare.  I am an Ofsted registered Childminder.  I live with my husband of 25 yrs, my two boys (24yrs and 15yrs) & my two small loving Shichon dogs in a detached house on the outskirts of Crewe by Leighton hospital.

My Husband is registered as my assistant to provide extra cover or help when required.

I decided to become a childminder after the birth of my youngest son.  I enjoy watching him growing up and developing as a little person.

I find being a childminder a rewarding and enjoyable experience.   

Along with my family, we provide the secure family environment that makes a child feel safe, providing lots and lots of fun through endless games, play, activities and outings and allowing the children the time to play with other children of similiar ages. 

 Its through these experiences that a child learns and develops.  These developments and momentous steps in the childs life are recorded (shared with the parents) and built upon to encourage further learning and developments.

 Clare Berry 07738109732